Overview : HRMS Software(Human Resource Management System)

HRMS Software is one of the most proficient tools for the management of an employee. An employee undoubtedly is the most prized possession for any organization. This tool would facilitate improving efficiency by helping you manage your employees effectively. This tool is easy to use and convenient for organizations of different sizes.

What to expect from HRMS Software ?

  • An efficient dashboard to get an overview of important business aspects
  • An effective way of generating payslip and calculation of salary components
  • This tool allows you to maintain the data of an employee
  • It offers ease from the managerial viewpoint of Leaves, Attendance, and Timesheet
  • One of the most proficient ways of managing Events and Meetings
  • It facilitates ease in the calculation and management of finance in regard to business activities
  • The comprehensive constant settings allow you to customize the parameters of these tools as per your organization’s need
  • Recruitment Management – Job Post, Job application, Interview Scheduling, Custom Interview Questions, Job Onboarding, Unique link for applying for a job
  • Allows you to assign staff/users with restricted permissions
  • Added GDPR Cookie to make the next visit easier and more useful
  • Image Uploaded Preview
  • Contract Module for Digital Signature
  • Email Templates
  • Google Calendar for Zoom Meetings, Task Module
  • Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi
  • Build on Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Experience Certificate, and NOC
  • reCaptcha in Login & Reset Password Page
  • Customized settings options for RTL on/off, Primary Color, Sidebar, Layout
  • Themes Color Setting, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout under Theme Customizer
  • Slack Integration
  • Zoom Integration
  • Telegram Integration
  • Twilio Integration
  • IP Restrict Features
  • Upgrade Theme & Added Landing Page
  • Availability in multiple languages makes it a tool accessible on global platforms
  • A user-friendly RTL experience for customers using Arabic, Hebrew, and Urdu-like languages.
  • Easy to Install
  • Built with Laravel 9

Silent Features of HRMS Software :

Comprehensive Dashboard

It offers an overview of total staff, tickets, and account balance with its comprehensive dashboard. You get easy access to absentees in an organization along with an elaborate list for announcements and scheduled meetings. The calendar with an event view makes it easier to keep a tab on important meetings.

Staff Management

The tool allows you to create users and assign roles to them. You could manage the permission of each user by restricting their permissions. You can also search an employee profile through easy search and filter options. Lastly, you can check the last login of your staff. This helps you to keep a tab on employee activity.

Employee Databank

This feature makes it easier for a company to maintain a record of an employee’s personal, company, and Bank details along with their essential documentation. Employees could view and manage their profiles.

Payroll Management

Salary Parameters

You could edit the components of the payslip by adding Allowance, Commission, Overtime, and Miscellaneous Payments, and deducting the amount for Saturation and Loan. This leads to the easy generation of monthly payslips.


You can generate monthly payslips and make bulk payments through easy clicks. You could also change the status of the payslip with an easy CTA. An employee could view the breakdown of their salary components.

Timesheet Management

Timesheet and Attendance

You could Create, Edit, and Delete Timesheets and Attendance. With a timely attendance sheet, this feature allows you to get an overview of overtime and early leave of an employee.

Leave Management

You could maintain the data of leaves by creating new leaves. This feature allows you to get a detailed insight into the leave type, reason, and duration. You could approve or reject the leave request through easy clicks.


Management shall go to waste if its result cannot be seen in reports. You can get a detailed report in the form of Graphs of Incomes/ Expenses, Monthly Attendance, Leave, Account Statements, Payroll, and Timesheets. You can filter and search for reports for a specific time. Also. get a detailed report.

Attendance Module: Company can filter date & month-wise

If you are a big company having lots of employees working for you, checking particular employees’ attendance is very hectic and a time-wasting act. Having a precise watch on the attendance of several employees within a few seconds has made it easy with this module. One can filter the same according to date and month.

Bulk Attendance Module

Manually adding and updating the clock-in and clock-out timings of one employee and more than one employee can be easily done with the help of the Bulk Attendance Module.

Chat Module

Direct Communication is an important aspect of any business. The easy-to-access and use Chat Module provided in HRMGo, helps you to be in direct and constant touch with subordinates and superiors.

Holiday Module

Letting know the days of holiday to each is an essential element for any business to achieve timely goals and planning of leaves/ vacations. To smoothen this, the admin, as well as HR, can create, update, or delete any of the holidays.

Ticket Generation

This feature allows you to generate tickets for specific employees by assigning priority, end date, and description to them.

Manage Events and Meetings

You can create events and meetings by assigning their name and descriptions to them. You get an option to select the branch, departments, and employees. The event gets displayed on the calendar by assigning the starting and ending date to it.

Finance Management

Under this feature, you could create a new account and view the account balance. A user could edit and create new deposits and expenses by assigning the payer and payee to it. Through feasible system settings, the management of deposits and finance becomes extremely easy. Besides, fund transfers could be easily facilitated from one account to another.

Performance Tracking

It allows you to track the performance of your employees by letting you create, edit and delete existing indicators. You can also manage the appraisal of your employee by keeping a tab on his competencies. Manage your appraisal list through filter options of the branch, departments, and designation. The tracking system allows you to check the progress of your existing goals. You can also create new goals by setting time parameters.

Manage Training

Employee training is quintessential in modern organizations. You can keep a tab on training activities by assigning a cost, duration, training, and training mode for each employee. Keep the list of your trainers handy through the easy listing.

Email Templates

The email templates feature enables the user to choose from pre-defined and individualized email layouts rather than creating an entirely new email each time. Additionally, this provides readiness, uniformity of drafts, accessibility, and reduced effort required to draft the same email repeatedly. These templates can be created according to various needs.

Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi

Integration of Cloud Data Storage like Local, AWS, and Wasabi Protection of your is indeed mandatory. This feature of Cloud Data Storage helps the user with the same.
It facilitates both the internal and external data storage space for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering based on a range of requirements of costs, availability, performance, recovery, and migration. AWS and Wasabi are third-party authenticated Cloud Data Storage providers that safeguard the data from hacking and are cost-efficient.

Slack Integration

Receiving instant notifications of the company’s activities is one of the most painless ways to keep a tap on them. With the help of Slack Integration, you can get insight into the major actions through the specific channels and when they are performed. It also helps you to schedule the messages for future dates. Rectifying mistakes is also not burdensome.

Zoom Integration

Virtual meetings are no new to us. The Zoom Integration provides a platform where you can create a zoom meeting after giving inputs of asked details like; Client, User(s), Meeting Time, and Duration, and it generates a link through which people can join the meeting. You can create, View, Start, and Delete meetings with ease.
Along with that, the zoom meeting created will be synced with the calendar which will show the meeting details, as well as which are people joining the meeting and at what time. This calendar syncing feature helps to schedule meetings accordingly.

Telegram Integration

Hassle-free and instant message is one of the absolute ways to stay in tune and connected with projects and activities of the projects. With the Telegram Integration, you can get the notification of the actions performed regarding anything which interests you. Staying in tune with the performing jobs is smooth with this feature.

Twilio Integration

The Twilio Integration for receiving the text messages of the jobs performed is a very handy and convenient feature. You can get an instant text message of the activities on the registered mobile number even when your phone is not connected to the internet, which is one of the most important benefits of Twilio Integration.


You can conduct important conversations with employees under one roof, through our chat portal. Send and receive important messages with utmost ease.


Manage your asset list by editing and deleting assets from the list. You can create new assets by assigning duration, descriptions, and amounts to them.

Manage Documents

When you have too many employees under one roof, it is essential to maintain documents of each role for easy work. You can create new documents by adding files and selecting roles.

Activities of HR

This comprehensive feature facilitates the activities of HR. It is easy to maintain a record of promotions, transfers, work trips, terminations, warnings, and other important aspects of HR.


You could add elements to various parameters of constant as per your organization’s need. This would facilitate ease in payroll, timesheets, HR, and finance management.

System Settings

Under system settings, you get to customize your site, system, company, and Email settings. Customize your site setting by adding the files of the logo and creating the text for the title and footer. Create the custom settings for the company and Email address. With system settings, you could add currencies and time formats.

IP Restrict Setting – For employees clock in & clock out

IP Restrict Features allow the organization to specify which IP addresses have access to sign in to particular accounts. The IP addresses are already registered with the company’s managing side which prevents fraudulent entries.

The GDPR Cookie is an authenticated one that helps the users to save their personal information in the browser for future online service logins only with their permission. Because the initial log-in process will be skipped and the user will be taken directly to the landing page, this will save time.

How We Work ?

Analyze Project

Our First and topmost approach is to assess your brand position, its current stage on the internet, opponents, and future intentions.

Find Out-of-the-Box Ideas

Next, we prepare digital marketing strategies that can help you to reach your full potential.

Start Optimization

Afterwards, we start implementing the ideas or plans created to optimize your business.

Reach Target

We cover every possible strategy of digital marketing to reach our target, to make your business a brand.

Fill these details to get our services

Frequently Asked Question

What is digital marketing and why is it important for my business?

Digital marketing is the promotion or advertisement of your product, service, or business online or via the Internet. Depending on the business type, goals, or where the business is at in its business lifecycle, the efforts may vary. It is important to work with a marketing team that understands your goals and knows how to create a comprehensive strategy to be able to identify the most profitable channels.

Digital marketing consists of many different types of marketing strategies, but the spectrum of services generally consists of website design and development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing strategies like blog writing, video marketing, and email marketing. Even within the above strategies are subsets of the different types of digital marketing.

Within search engine optimization consists local search engine optimization, national search engine optimization, link building, and reputation management. Types of pay-per-click advertising include local pay-per-click advertising, national pay-per-click advertising, and Facebook advertising. Social media marketing plays across many different platforms depending on the type of business you are in, but some of the most important networks are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. Content marketing consists of creating valuable and memorable content to be distributed to customers or those interested in your space.

Each of these services plays important roles in a strategy. Your business may need some or all of them depending on many different factors. 

Digital marketing has shifted the paradigm of marketing from one that uses an outbound approach to one that uses an inbound marketing approach. Customers know what they want and when they want it and they head online to get what they want when they want it. Gone are the days of fishing with a large net in the ocean and here are the days of fishing with sonar radar in a barrel. Inbound marketing helps businesses generate traffic to their website and turn website visitors into paying customers.

Digital marketing is one of the most important types of marketing you can do for your business. Not only is it crucial in this digital age, but it also presents the best opportunity for ROI because it is attributable and trackable to identify where leads and sales are coming from on a minute-by-minute basis.

Why do I need digital marketing for my business?

Having a website is not enough these days. The internet has become one of the most competitive spaces and everyone is competing with the mass amounts of traffic and users online. While a website is extremely important and serves as the foundation for your online marketing presence, it is just that, a foundation. Promotion of your website via other digital marketing channels is important to set your business apart and give you every opportunity to attract a new visitors, which will hopefully turn into new customer.

Digital marketing is the promotion of your brand and the service you need to battle against competitors that do not only exist locally, but now exist nationally and internationally against your business.

With a strong online presence and digital marketing strategy, the opportunity to scale your business successfully is enormous. Digital marketing presents opportunity for exponential business growth and return multiples that are better than any other advertising opportunity.

How do I know how much to spend on my company's digital marketing efforts?

As a rule of thumb, general marketing expenditures are recommended to be around 10-20% of overall revenue, but there is not an exact answer. One of the most important numbers is determining what the return-on-investment is of any marketing investment. The only wrong amount to spend on digital marketing efforts is $0. Doing something is much better than doing nothing at all.

Our team will help you calculate true ROI of your marketing investment to understand the opportunity that our team can present to your business. We are focused on performance and ensuring that we understand the lifetime value of your customers and/or clients will help you understand the multiple that can be expected from a marketing strategy. We prefer to work with aggressive businesses that are looking to scale up their  businesses as quickly as possible.

How do I get my business started with sumitjhadigital?

In order to get started you have a few different options:

1. Fill up the service form and send us a message through it

2. Email us at digitalpathsala9876@gmail.com

3. Call us at (91) 8434487206

Contacting sumitjhadigital will be worth your time. At minimum,
you will get to speak with our expert marketers and gain insight into your company’s marketing options and how you can benefit from digital marketing and advertising services.

Why should I hire sumitjhadigital to perform digital marketing services for my business?

Sumitjhadigital is focused on performance marketing and advertising strategy. Our goal is drive incredible ROI for your business and have you continue to invest in marketing services because our solutions work.
We provide comprehensive digital marketing and advertising plans and we will be your right-hand marketing team.
We are a Certified Google Partner that knows how to get results for your business. All of our team members are certified each and every year on multiple digital marketing and advertising platforms.
We have experience across many different industries. We are a Google Certified Partner and have worked with many companies.

Our commitment to you is that we will do everything in our power to supplement your business with a robust and effective marketing team that is hungry to drive success to your business. We are competitive and we LOVE to win.

Do You Create Mobile Responsive Websites?

Yes, we create responsive website designs that can adapt to every screen size.

How Can I Trust Sumitjhadigital?
  1. Years Of Experience
  2. Well-skilled Designers
  3. Hundreds of websites built so far.
  4. Demonstration of live websites.
Do I need a website maintenance Plan?

Yes, you do need website maintenance. It’s not optional. Just like you have to mow your lawn and trim your hedges, you have to maintain your website or it will go downhill fast.

Think about it: a website is a reflection of your business. It’s the first impression people have of you, and if it’s not updated regularly, or if it’s full of errors, then potential customers will think you don’t care about your business. They’ll think you don’t care about them either.

That’s why website maintenance is so important. It keeps your website looking good and functioning properly. It makes sure that potential customers see the best possible version of your business. And it shows that you care about your customers and your business.

How many pages do I need on the website?

When it comes to web pages, how many is enough? This is a question that many people ask and the answer can depend on a variety of factors. Generally, the more pages your website has, the better it will be for your SEO (search engine optimization) ranking. This is because Google and other search engines like websites that are comprehensive and offer lots of relevant information. However, you don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with too many pages, especially if your website is still in its early stages. You can always add more pages as your website grows.

Another thing to consider when deciding how many pages to include on your website is the type of business you have. If you’re running a brick-and-mortar store, you may not need as many pages as an online-only business.

Why websites are better than apps?

There are many reasons why websites are better than apps. First and foremost, websites are cheaper to make. A website costs a fraction of what it costs to make an app, which is why there are so many more of them. Additionally, websites work on any device with a web browser, while apps are limited to devices that have been specifically designed to run them. Websites also tend to be more up-to-date, as they can be updated at any time without having to go through an approval process like with apps. Finally, websites are more accessible because they don’t require users to download and install anything.

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