Overview : Hospital Management System

Hospital  Management System software which allows hospitals and Doctors to schedule their time and let patients book their appointment as per their available slots.

It Also supports patient visits management by using doctors can manage their patient visits and add related problems and medicine prescriptions there.

Silent Feature of Hospital Management System Software

Landing Page

Its comes up with beautiful landing page, which helps patients to get information about the hospital and doctors and their specialities.

Patient can book appointments from landing page and also registered to system. They also can submit queries via contact us form.

Admin Panel

We have created beautiful and user attractive admin panel to manage the contents for landing page.

Admin can manage all the doctors / patients / appointments and also able to create new staff’s account with assigned roles / permissions.

You can change the system settings from admin panel, like you can change the hospital schedule time, change contact email, number, etc.


Dashboard is more important thing in each application, as you can get quick information from there.

Here you can get information about today’s appointments, total registered patients and etc.

Staff Management

You can create new user accounts with specific permissions if you want. Staff can also able to do login and he can see the lists of modules as per assigned permissions.

Doctors Management

Here you can see lists of doctors that you have added to your system, right now only admin can add new doctors. you are also able to change the details of doctor too.

Patient Management

Here you can manage the patients that registered via landing page or added by you. You can change their password and other details from here.

You can see lists of appointment booked by specific patients in detail screen.

Appointments Management

Appointments are generally for patients, but some case if patient wants admin to book their appointment, at that time this will be usefull. Admin can book new appointments from here on behalf of patient.

Also, you can see lists of appointments here, there is another option there Calendar view, by clicking on it you can see the lists of appointments in calendar view.

Patient Visits Management

Admin can add / delete patient visits records from here. Patient visits are the records who will be entered by the doctors to track patients visits and the other information about their patients.

Services & Categories Management

Here you can add different kind of Services and its categories, Services are generally used in appointments. Patient will Select the service while booking the appointments.

You can define the service charge per service.

Front CMS

Admin can change each content of landing page from here. e,g Upload new images for sliders, change some texts on it, etc.


Schedule means the hospital timing per day. Admin will define the hospital time from Settings -> Schedules.

Then doctors are able to choose time between the hospital time, if Admin is saying that hospital will be closed on sunday, then doctor will not able to choose schedule time on sunday.


Settings will include some other set of modules .

  • General Setting
  • Clinic Schedules
  • Roles & Permissions
  • Currencies
  • Countries
  • States
  • Cities

Doctor Panel


Doctors can see lists of today’s appointments count and other widget in dashboard. they can also able to see the lists of recent appointments as per day / week / month.


Here doctors can see their appointments only, they can later change the status to checked-in, check-out and cancel.


Doctor can set their availability as per day in this module, so patient will be booked slots accordingly. if doctors are selecting that Monday they will be available from 10:00 – 12:00 then patient can see slots between that time only.

Patient Visits Management

Here doctors can add new visit record for patients, and track their health progresses.

Patient Panel


Patient can see lists of appointments in dashboard, they can see today’s and upcoming appointments here.


Here you can book new appointment with specific doctor by selecting different services. Later you can cancel the appointment if you don’t want to go. Also, you can delete your appointment records too.

Visits Listing

Here you can see the lists of visits added by your doctors. in visit details screen you are able to see the lists of prescriptions, notes, observation notes and problems added by doctor.

How We Work ?

Analyze Project

Our First and topmost approach is to assess your brand position, its current stage on the internet, opponents, and future intentions.

Find Out-of-the-Box Ideas

Next, we prepare digital marketing strategies that can help you to reach your full potential.

Start Optimization

Afterwards, we start implementing the ideas or plans created to optimize your business.

Reach Target

We cover every possible strategy of digital marketing to reach our target, to make your business a brand.

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Frequently Asked Question

What is digital marketing and why is it important for my business?

Digital marketing is the promotion or advertisement of your product, service, or business online or via the Internet. Depending on the business type, goals, or where the business is at in its business lifecycle, the efforts may vary. It is important to work with a marketing team that understands your goals and knows how to create a comprehensive strategy to be able to identify the most profitable channels.

Digital marketing consists of many different types of marketing strategies, but the spectrum of services generally consists of website design and development, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, and content marketing strategies like blog writing, video marketing, and email marketing. Even within the above strategies are subsets of the different types of digital marketing.

Within search engine optimization consists local search engine optimization, national search engine optimization, link building, and reputation management. Types of pay-per-click advertising include local pay-per-click advertising, national pay-per-click advertising, and Facebook advertising. Social media marketing plays across many different platforms depending on the type of business you are in, but some of the most important networks are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. Content marketing consists of creating valuable and memorable content to be distributed to customers or those interested in your space.

Each of these services plays important roles in a strategy. Your business may need some or all of them depending on many different factors. 

Digital marketing has shifted the paradigm of marketing from one that uses an outbound approach to one that uses an inbound marketing approach. Customers know what they want and when they want it and they head online to get what they want when they want it. Gone are the days of fishing with a large net in the ocean and here are the days of fishing with sonar radar in a barrel. Inbound marketing helps businesses generate traffic to their website and turn website visitors into paying customers.

Digital marketing is one of the most important types of marketing you can do for your business. Not only is it crucial in this digital age, but it also presents the best opportunity for ROI because it is attributable and trackable to identify where leads and sales are coming from on a minute-by-minute basis.

Why do I need digital marketing for my business?

Having a website is not enough these days. The internet has become one of the most competitive spaces and everyone is competing with the mass amounts of traffic and users online. While a website is extremely important and serves as the foundation for your online marketing presence, it is just that, a foundation. Promotion of your website via other digital marketing channels is important to set your business apart and give you every opportunity to attract a new visitors, which will hopefully turn into new customer.

Digital marketing is the promotion of your brand and the service you need to battle against competitors that do not only exist locally, but now exist nationally and internationally against your business.

With a strong online presence and digital marketing strategy, the opportunity to scale your business successfully is enormous. Digital marketing presents opportunity for exponential business growth and return multiples that are better than any other advertising opportunity.

How do I know how much to spend on my company's digital marketing efforts?

As a rule of thumb, general marketing expenditures are recommended to be around 10-20% of overall revenue, but there is not an exact answer. One of the most important numbers is determining what the return-on-investment is of any marketing investment. The only wrong amount to spend on digital marketing efforts is $0. Doing something is much better than doing nothing at all.

Our team will help you calculate true ROI of your marketing investment to understand the opportunity that our team can present to your business. We are focused on performance and ensuring that we understand the lifetime value of your customers and/or clients will help you understand the multiple that can be expected from a marketing strategy. We prefer to work with aggressive businesses that are looking to scale up their  businesses as quickly as possible.

How do I get my business started with sumitjhadigital?

In order to get started you have a few different options:

1. Fill up the service form and send us a message through it

2. Email us at digitalpathsala9876@gmail.com

3. Call us at (91) 8434487206

Contacting sumitjhadigital will be worth your time. At minimum,
you will get to speak with our expert marketers and gain insight into your company’s marketing options and how you can benefit from digital marketing and advertising services.

Why should I hire sumitjhadigital to perform digital marketing services for my business?

Sumitjhadigital is focused on performance marketing and advertising strategy. Our goal is drive incredible ROI for your business and have you continue to invest in marketing services because our solutions work.
We provide comprehensive digital marketing and advertising plans and we will be your right-hand marketing team.
We are a Certified Google Partner that knows how to get results for your business. All of our team members are certified each and every year on multiple digital marketing and advertising platforms.
We have experience across many different industries. We are a Google Certified Partner and have worked with many companies.

Our commitment to you is that we will do everything in our power to supplement your business with a robust and effective marketing team that is hungry to drive success to your business. We are competitive and we LOVE to win.

Do You Create Mobile Responsive Websites?

Yes, we create responsive website designs that can adapt to every screen size.

How Can I Trust Sumitjhadigital?
  1. Years Of Experience
  2. Well-skilled Designers
  3. Hundreds of websites built so far.
  4. Demonstration of live websites.
Do I need a website maintenance Plan?

Yes, you do need website maintenance. It’s not optional. Just like you have to mow your lawn and trim your hedges, you have to maintain your website or it will go downhill fast.

Think about it: a website is a reflection of your business. It’s the first impression people have of you, and if it’s not updated regularly, or if it’s full of errors, then potential customers will think you don’t care about your business. They’ll think you don’t care about them either.

That’s why website maintenance is so important. It keeps your website looking good and functioning properly. It makes sure that potential customers see the best possible version of your business. And it shows that you care about your customers and your business.

How many pages do I need on the website?

When it comes to web pages, how many is enough? This is a question that many people ask and the answer can depend on a variety of factors. Generally, the more pages your website has, the better it will be for your SEO (search engine optimization) ranking. This is because Google and other search engines like websites that are comprehensive and offer lots of relevant information. However, you don’t want to overwhelm your visitors with too many pages, especially if your website is still in its early stages. You can always add more pages as your website grows.

Another thing to consider when deciding how many pages to include on your website is the type of business you have. If you’re running a brick-and-mortar store, you may not need as many pages as an online-only business.

Why websites are better than apps?

There are many reasons why websites are better than apps. First and foremost, websites are cheaper to make. A website costs a fraction of what it costs to make an app, which is why there are so many more of them. Additionally, websites work on any device with a web browser, while apps are limited to devices that have been specifically designed to run them. Websites also tend to be more up-to-date, as they can be updated at any time without having to go through an approval process like with apps. Finally, websites are more accessible because they don’t require users to download and install anything.

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